Riverside Fellowship is a faith family that is passionate about connecting people to Jesus. We exist to glorify God and advance His kingdom on earth by following the teachings of Jesus Christ. We worship together every Sunday at 10:30am. We invite you to worship with us this week and come as you are!
Worship With Us
Riverside Fellowship meets for worship every Sunday at 10:30am at Page Middle School. Come join us this Sunday for a great day of worship, fellowship, and teaching!
Connect Meeting
Join us on Sunday, February 9th after our morning worship service for our next Connect Meeting. We will talk about the past year and look ahead to 2025 with updates for our Leadership Team and ministry leaders. Learn more using the link below!
Billy Knight Funeral >>
Riverside Fellowship wishes to express our sympathies to the family of Mr. Billy Knight, a deeply loved member of our faith family and the entire community. For information about Mr. Billy’s funeral arrangements, please follow the link below.

Bible Study 9:00am | Fellowship Time 10:00am | Worship 10:30am
Worship Services are held at Page Middle School at 6262 Arno Road in Franklin, TN

Acts 2 tells the story of the first church, that very first group of believers who came together and experienced the power of the Holy Spirit as God began to do something new in the world. So much of their experience in the 1st century applies directly to those of us living in the 21st century. When we read Acts 2, we not only see everything that the church can be, we see everything the church should be. Acts 2:42 says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” It seems so simple, and yet the impact of that early church has been so profound. Is it possible to experience a movement of God like that early church? If it is possible, what would it look like and what would it feel like? It would probably look a lot like Acts 2.
Hear from some of the people who call Riverside Fellowship their “Home” and see how Acts 2 is shaping the way this faith family is moving forward.