Small Groups & Bible Studies at Riverside Fellowship

Small Groups are a big deal. Afterall, that’s where life really happens. While worshiping together as a community on Sunday morning is meaningful, nothing replaces personal Bible study in the life of a believer. If we want to grow, we have to know – know the Word, know the Spirit, and know the Savior. Small Group Bible Studies are the way we help people “know and grow” at Riverside. We encourage everyone to find a group to be a part of and begin the habit of connecting with God’s Word with a group of people who will help and encourage you along the way.
Sunday Bible Studies at Riverside
We are preparing a new schedule for Bible Studies as we move into our new space at Page Middle School. Times and locations for each Bible Study class may shift over the next few weeks as we learn how to best use our new building!
ADULT BIBLE STUDY | Sundays at 9:00am
Weekday Bible Studies
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY | Wednesdays at 10:00am on Zoom
Grab another cup of coffee and join us from the comfort of your own home for Bible study of God’s word with life application. Contact Penny Vaughan at [email protected] for the Zoom link.
MEN’S BIBLE STUDY | Saturdays at 8:00 AM
Join us for Join us for breakfast, fellowship and study. Contact John Meade for more information [email protected]

Weekly Class and Small Group Schedule
All of the classes and groups that are currently meeting are listed below. Please make sure to reach out to the class or group leader if you have any questions.
- 9:15 AM Joy Class ([email protected]).
- 9:15 AM Good News Class in Person and via Zoom. ([email protected]).
- 10:30 AM Fellowship Time / Prayer Circle
- 11:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship
- 5:00 PM Riverside Fellowship Youth – Various Homes (see latest newsletter) ([email protected]).
- 6:30pm Riverside Singers (Choir) Practice ([email protected])
- 8:00am Prayer Time at Meade’s Home ([email protected])
- 9:30am Ladies Bible Study via Zoom with Penny Vaughan; Contact Penny for the Zoom link ([email protected])
- 6:30pm: Small Group: “The Chosen: Season 3″ at the home of John & Nancy Meade. Contact John for more information ([email protected])
- 6:30pm Riverside Ringers Practice – Contact Cindy Kurzrock ([email protected])
- 8:00am Mens Bible Study with George Rembert ([email protected])
- Men’s Breakfast meets the 2nd Saturday of each month