RF Annual Meeting 2024
Riverside Fellowship is excited to announce that we are holding our first ever “Riverside Fellowship Annual Meeting” on Sunday, September 29th. The meeting will follow the Sunday Morning Worship Service and will last about an hour. Lunch will be provided by Jimmy John’s. The meeting is open to all members and regular attenders of Riverside Fellowship, as well as anyone who is deeply interested in the future ministry of our church.
The purpose of our Annual Meeting is three-fold. We will celebrate all that the Lord has down in us and through us in the past year. We will communicate what lies directly ahead for us in the year to come. Finally, we will consecrate ourselves to the mission the Lord has given us a faith family.
We will also be voting on adding new members to our Board of Directors as well. That vote will be taken by members of the body.
We hope you will make plans to join us for this exciting Sunday of worship and ministry!
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