Riverside Fellowship | Giving

In 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, the Apostle Paul helped us understand God’s perspective on generosity. Paul wrote, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” That closing phrase says it about as simply as it can be said: God loves a cheerful giver. Here’s what that means. The attitude of the giver matters just as much as the amount of the gift. At Riverside, it is our heart’s desire to be a generous community of faith, providing for those in need not just next door but around the world. If you would like to partner with us, please consider giving through any of the methods below. Thank you for your gift to Riverside Fellowship!

Online Giving
If you would like to give from your compter – either a one-time gift or to schedule a recurring gift, please use the link below. Riverside Fellowship utilizes Vanco Online Payments, an online payment service provider that specializes in charitable organizations and non-profits. Vanco provides a completely secure and fully encrypted transaction process that makes it easy for both the person giving the gift and the organization receiving it.
- Give Online Here: https://secure.myvanco.com/YNQ4/home

Giving by Text
If you would like to give by text message, then simply text the amount you would like to give (in subject line) to 844-994-3652 and follow the screen prompts.

Giving by Mail
If you would like to give your offering by mail, please make your check payable to “Riverside Fellowship” and mail it to:
Riverside Fellowship
PO Box 680524
Franklin, TN 37068