Riverside Fellowship is a faith family that takes seriously Jesus’ commandment to “Go and make disciples of all nations”. Even though our faith family has only been in existence for a couple of years, we have already established relationships with mission partners around the world. We have also connected with mission and ministry groups in our local community as well. It is our hope to be a church that loves our neighbor in practical ways and shares the gospel locally, globally, and personally just as Christ calls us to do. Learn more about our partnerships through the links and information listed below.

Riverside Fellowship partners with a variety of people and organizations across all of Middle Tennessee. Learn more about the work being done by our mission partners by visiting our Local Missions Partners page linked here: Local Missions Partners>>

Riverside Fellowship has a heart to serve the world. We currently have two global missions partners (one in Chile and one in Nepal) and will be adding more in the near future. Learn more about the work being done by our global mission partners linked here: Global Missions Partners>>

Go & Serve with Riverside Fellowship on a mission trip in 2023! Find out about the places we are heading to this year and see if you can join us! Learn more about each opportunity and get in touch with our Missions Team to connect find out how you can “Go & Serve!”: Missions Trips and Opportunies in 2023>>